2D/3D X-Ray Machines
2D/3D X-ray machines from Waygate Technologies include products for micro- and nanofocus 2D industrial X-ray inspection as well as industrial computed tomography (micro CT and nano CT), 3D failure analysis, 3D metrology and inline CT.
- Electronics
- phoenix microme|x neo and nanome|x neo
- phoenix X|aminer
- Software
- planarCT-software (microme|x & nanome|x)
- phoenix x|act uAXI-software (2D-inspection)
- scatter|correct
- VGStudio MAX
- VGMetrology
- myVGL: Download Free Viewer
- Non-electronics
- phoenix nanotom m
- phoenix v|tome|x s
- phoenix v|tome|x m
- phoenix v|tome|x c
- phoenix v|tome|x L 300
- phoenix v|tome|x L 450